Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

NEW and REALLY COOL: You can now “like” and “share” this post everywhere with the touch of a button or two at the end of the linked tweets! Feel free to do any or all of that! (And thanks.)



Stairway to Heaven BT122410

Photo Credit

@lizstrauss “Imagine if we could restore words
back to their original meaning. Words like
peace, joy, wonder, good will, wishes…”


Six Standalone Tweets to Ponder

@DrMelanieG “How do you give in a way that enriches rather than depletes you?”

@larryczerwonka “Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else’s life forever.” ~ Margaret Cho

@DalaiLama “Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically.”

@rcinstitute “ThoughtfulThursday: the most important holiday reminder is to stay present with your true needs and feelings.”

@visityourself “Fully living requires embracing the not-beautiful, the not-spiritual, the confusion, and the aversion to it all.”

@DepressionForum “In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” ~ Aaron Rose


Linked Tweets

Depression Resources Over the Holidays
and Throughout the Year


@NAMIMass Know the lifeline 1-800-273-8255 or @800273TALK 24/7 when you or someone you know needs help
[SEO: Between now and New Year’s Day, many people you may know are lonely, hurting, and may reach out for help. Be the person who knows how to help them.]

@NAMIMass Depression At The Holidays
[SEO: “Depression can even affect someone who’s never experienced it before. Why does this happen and what can you do about it?”]

@SarahEOlson2009 Top Ten Depression Blogs 2010 | World of Psychology
[SEO: These are all excellent blogs! Highly recommended. You are not alone!]


The Rest of the Best


@psychcentral Authenticity and Body Image
[SEO: Article focuses on cultural norms that undermine women’s confidence in their own bodies as they grow up and compare themselves to stereotypical “thin people” and images in magazines, etc., and how that blocks one from true authenticity in life. In a similar way but for very different reasons, many survivors of child abuse grow up with confusion, distortions, and hating their bodies. In my life, I’ve felt either “separate from” my body, or betrayed by it — and neither of these lend to personal authenticity.]

@MentalHelpNet Wired for Empathy and Connection
[SEO: Why we are wired for empathy and connection. “In the past social isolation in a community meant certain death and social rejection was the path to a ‘broken heart.’ Well, Naomi Eisenberger and Matthew Lieberman at UCLA did a study published in 2003 that found that the same areas of the brain light up when experiencing social rejection as when experiencing physical pain.” The included 10 minute video, “The Empathic Civilisation”, is a gem, and a keeper. Via one long continuous whiteboard, the narrator draws much the history of empathy since the dawn of man — how it changed history, and why it is relevant today.]

@NAMIMass Therapists Use ‘Canine Assistants’ to Comfort, Cheer Patients; Duke Senses an Anxiety Disorder
[SEO: Fascinating read. A therapist’s dog lies on the floor next to a patient with anxiety disorders, or sits on the couch next to one with depression — and in some cases the dog knows which applies before the therapist does. “How can dogs be that sensitive to human emotions? Experts speculate that people give off tell-tale scents under certain physical or psychological conditions that only dogs can detect. That acute sense of smell also enables specially trained service dogs to recognize when seizures, diabetic comas or heart attacks are imminent in humans.”]

@psychcentral Meeting Again for the First Time: a true story about a patient with anterograde amnesia
[SEO: “Samantha remembers everything from before about 15 years ago. She remembers going to college, having friends and ambitions, and falling in love. But her description of the accident is distant and clinical; a factual recitation of what she has been told happened. In a casual conversation you might not realize that you were talking to someone who would, only hours later, have no recollection of ever meeting you.” This woman greets her therapist each week as though they are meeting for the first time — because for her, it is. I’ve struggled my entire life with memory issues, and having grasp of something just beyond reach has often felt hopeless. But I had context, and short term memory. I honestly don’t think I could have endured what this woman faces every hour of every day.]

@SarahEOlson2009 Reading from the Book of 2010: Your Life Lessons
[SEO: “For sometimes in looking back and taking stock, you can more clearly see the paths you’ve travelled – and get a sense of who you’re becoming as you do.” A thought-provoking series of questions (and questions within those questions) about “what have been your hard times this year, and how did you get through them?”; “who inspired you this year?”; “when did you feel strongest this year?”; and “what’s it like to remember and consolidate these learnings from your own life?”.]


Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@CarePathways “We seek the truth and will endure the consequences.”

@LillyAnn “What is possible to become, only truly changes when we are willing to see what is impossible to continue being.”

@iChooseChange “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~ Victor Frankl

@DrSharonMelnick “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” ~ Nino Qubein

@LillyAnn “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

@kathyireland “Many people are hiding their wounds. Be gentle whenever possible. Truth without compassion can be cruelty.”

@reginaldcuffee “Although fear can stop you, it can be gone in an instant when you decide you have had enough of it.”

@LillyAnn “That which seeks to coerce you through fear, truly is a false voice.”

@lizstrauss “Those negative statements about you in your thinking, rewrite them. You didn’t put them there.”

@morsemusings “Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.”

@Annalilie “We each have an ego that confuses and confounds us. We also each have a spirit that brings us joy, truth and love. Choose spirit.”

@JeanieMarshall “Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ~ Maya Angelou

@AlignProsperity “Live out of your imagination, not your history.” ~ Stephen R Covey

@zebraspolkadots “The more we know about something — the less scary it is. Feeling anxious? Unsure? doubting yourself? Seek knowledge. Find wisdom.”

@PattyTownley “What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life.” ~ Emil Brunner

Linked Tweets

@psychfeed What Makes Therapy Work? (via GoodTherapy.Org blog)
[SEO: Discussion of the dynamics that make therapy work well, starting with the importance of the therapeutic relationship@; noticing patterns; and learning how the past influences one’s life today. Good overview.]

@TheBlisschick Complex PTSD and trying so hard to justify our existence
[SEO: “When you are a small person living in precarious circumstances, you learn a few things about Trying.” She captures very well what I’ve struggled with, and if you follow the comments, you see it is all too common. Although based on experience with child abuse, anyone dealing with complex PTSD can learn from this.]

@NewHarbinger Are You an Anxious Procrastinator? (excerpt from book “Worrier’s Guide to Procrastination”)
[SEO: This lengthy book excerpt discusses the many reasons why you procrastinate, followed by a self-assessment test. Knowledge is power.]

@BeyondMeds In Buddhist thought, I’m okay just as I am. It’s all about self-acceptance, even if that sometimes looks a wee bit ugly.
[SEO: A good read, the article title is: Mindfulness is not Positivity. Discusses why Buddhism is not about positivity or the law of attraction. Disclosure: I am not Buddhist; I just seek knowledge that helps me to understand my world.]

@thereseborchard 7 quick ways to avoid a meltdown (via Beyond Blue blog)
[SEO: Simple things to change direction and calm down. Simple but not easy when in the thick of a meltdown, so keep this list handy. Includes the “Four Square” method of breathing to relieve anxiety. Worth a try!]

@zebraspolkadots A Journey…: Life Lessons and Zebra’s
[SEO: Always much food for thought here. What life lessons are you becoming aware of?]

@MentalHealthUSA You Can Start Feeling Better: 8 Important Things to Do About Depression (via @psychotherapi)
[SEO: Examines and refutes 8 basic fears about depression. Disclaimer: WebMD states it is funded by Lilly, a maker of antidepressants.]

@josuediaz Top 10 Ways Your Brain Is Sabotaging You (and How to Beat It) (via @quippdPsych)
[SEO: Fascinating in that it’s not the most obvious ways that I think of as self-sabotage. Each item includes links to other articles that elaborate on that particular topic. Lots to chew on here.]

@NAMIMass When chronic pain is ‘paralyzing’
[SEO: Focus is on women, and why women feel chronic pain differently than do men. But I think it’s of interest to men, too, if only to understand that difference.]

@LisaCollierCool 5 Natural Ways to Sleep Better
[SEO: Sleep is the holy grail I continue to search for. Do you, too?]

@psychcentral What should you do when you catch yourself people pleasing again? Know your limits: 6 Steps to Improve the Balance in your Life
[SEO: I’ve never equated people pleasing with a lack of balance in my life, so this caught my eye. Good article!]

@catatonickid Stress Busters: 22 Ways to be Kind to Yourself
[SEO: Excellent ideas and reminders, via Treating Anxiety Blog at]

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments. It’s a Best Tweets bumper crop here, so let’s get started!

A tribute to John Wooden, may he rest in peace

@LZeefe “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~ John Wooden

@Jason_Pollock “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” ~ John Wooden

@Alyssa_Milano “Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” ~ John Wooden

Standalone Tweets

@AffirmYourLife “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” ~ Helen Keller

@Tamavista “Before you can find yourself, you must first be lost.” ~ Kitamori

@sia_ky “This is the first, wildest, wisest thing I know — the soul is built entirely out of attentiveness.” ~ Mary Oliver

@CarePathways “Change requires leaving our comfort zones and plunging headfirst into uncomfortable situations.”

@dose_of_love “The more you own and forgive your darker sides, the less you need to attract them externally in others.” (via @LisaKiftTherapy)

@DrCesa “Self-understanding, rather than self-condemnation is the way to inner peace and mature conscience.” ~ Joshua L Lieberman (via @ssanquist)

@dahara “The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.” ~ Buddha

@NoSocialAnxiety ‘When we no longer need to pretend to be something we’re not, we feel authentic and alive.”

@LillyAnn “The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.”

@soulseedz “Say to yourself: I am a force for healing. My head, heart and hands work together for the good of all.”

@soulseedz “Every breath contains healing power, and mindful breathing is one simple thing you can do to restore wholeness to your body.”

@therapy4help “Today, I will relax, breathe deeply, and go with the flow….”

@LillyAnn “When I want to speak, let me first think: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If not, let it be left unsaid.”

@AffirmYourLife “You never know when one act or one word of encouragement can change a life forever. “ ~ Zig Ziglar

@drcmblake “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” ~ Plato ☆ (via @zbluemoon)

@Tamavista “To be fully alive is to feel that everything is possible.” ~ Eric Hoffer

@LillyAnn “You cannot say that you have mastered love until you include yourself in its embrace.” ~ Alan Cohen

Linked Tweets

@EFF Opt-Out Required to Prevent Your Yahoo! Mail Contacts From Being Used for Social Network (with opt-out instructions)

@PromisePlace How and When to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Abuse | Psychology Today

@MSF_USA “MSF psychiatrist Dr. Maryvonne Bargue talks about the impact of the earthquake in Haiti four months later.”
[SEO: This helps me to put my own troubles into perspective, and to renew my gratitude for all I have in my life.]

@psychcentral “It’s not easy, but it’s important. A must-read on how to respect your body.
[SEO: Not easy for many people, but I think survivors of physical/sexual abuse additionally must rise above the old tapes saying that violation of body boundaries isn’t under your control, which (for me at least) turned the body into an enemy.]

@Mindful_Living Bad Habits: Do You Have a Choice?

@psychotherapi Surviving Anxiety, Depression & More
[SEO: A helpful Squidoo site maintained by @psychotherapi]

@800273TALK (two separate links here) 1 in 10 of returning soldiers report PTSD or depression. We have a program for service members
[SEO: See also their programs for help for anyone contemplating suicide or their loved ones/friends.]

@afspnational Learn what AFSP is doing to educate students and teachers about depression / suicide risk. #morethansad

@drcmblake 50 Ways to Open Your World to New Possibilities (Via
[SEO: You could easily make each of these suggestions a project. Some will take longer than others, but all are worthwhile goals.]

@grace2244 Art Therapy: How can it help?
[SEO: A growing community of child abuse survivors are using the Polyvore website ( as hands-on art therapy. The site lets you choose “sets” of art objects and arrange them as you would a collage. @grace2244 is a prolific artist, always thought-provoking, and you can see any of her artworks by looking at her Twitter profile ( and clicking on any of the Polyvore links she has posted there. This linked post provides detailed explanation (follow the text above the artwork to below it) as to how survivors can best use Polyvore in therapeutic ways. Excellent!]

@mental_news Scientists develop pill that erases traumatic memories
[SEO: I’ve had moments where I’ve wished fervently that there was just a pill to make it all go away. But really. You have to ask yourself here, “What could possibly go wrong?” The mind reels.]

@dragonheartsong “This is really good info, especially for dissociative folks.” ~ PTSD Healing Thought of the Day (via

@MindfulBoston Can your breathing be smooth, like the waves of the ocean?
[SEO: Step by step, what you can do right now to relax and de-stress. Very helpful!]

@DeborahSerani Feeling depressed increases pain perception that *is* real

@HealMyPTSD What to do about money?
[SEO: Some basic info to deal with the double whammy of being too deeply affected to keep working while obtaining required treatment gets expensive. Been there.]

@goodthingZ 3 Steps To Practice Acceptance and Have a Peaceful Life (These work…) (via Tiny Buddha)