Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@CarePathways “We seek the truth and will endure the consequences.”

@LillyAnn “What is possible to become, only truly changes when we are willing to see what is impossible to continue being.”

@iChooseChange “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~ Victor Frankl

@DrSharonMelnick “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” ~ Nino Qubein

@LillyAnn “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

@kathyireland “Many people are hiding their wounds. Be gentle whenever possible. Truth without compassion can be cruelty.”

@reginaldcuffee “Although fear can stop you, it can be gone in an instant when you decide you have had enough of it.”

@LillyAnn “That which seeks to coerce you through fear, truly is a false voice.”

@lizstrauss “Those negative statements about you in your thinking, rewrite them. You didn’t put them there.”

@morsemusings “Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.”

@Annalilie “We each have an ego that confuses and confounds us. We also each have a spirit that brings us joy, truth and love. Choose spirit.”

@JeanieMarshall “Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ~ Maya Angelou

@AlignProsperity “Live out of your imagination, not your history.” ~ Stephen R Covey

@zebraspolkadots “The more we know about something — the less scary it is. Feeling anxious? Unsure? doubting yourself? Seek knowledge. Find wisdom.”

@PattyTownley “What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life.” ~ Emil Brunner

Linked Tweets

@psychfeed What Makes Therapy Work? (via GoodTherapy.Org blog)
[SEO: Discussion of the dynamics that make therapy work well, starting with the importance of the therapeutic relationship@; noticing patterns; and learning how the past influences one’s life today. Good overview.]

@TheBlisschick Complex PTSD and trying so hard to justify our existence
[SEO: “When you are a small person living in precarious circumstances, you learn a few things about Trying.” She captures very well what I’ve struggled with, and if you follow the comments, you see it is all too common. Although based on experience with child abuse, anyone dealing with complex PTSD can learn from this.]

@NewHarbinger Are You an Anxious Procrastinator? (excerpt from book “Worrier’s Guide to Procrastination”)
[SEO: This lengthy book excerpt discusses the many reasons why you procrastinate, followed by a self-assessment test. Knowledge is power.]

@BeyondMeds In Buddhist thought, I’m okay just as I am. It’s all about self-acceptance, even if that sometimes looks a wee bit ugly.
[SEO: A good read, the article title is: Mindfulness is not Positivity. Discusses why Buddhism is not about positivity or the law of attraction. Disclosure: I am not Buddhist; I just seek knowledge that helps me to understand my world.]

@thereseborchard 7 quick ways to avoid a meltdown (via Beyond Blue blog)
[SEO: Simple things to change direction and calm down. Simple but not easy when in the thick of a meltdown, so keep this list handy. Includes the “Four Square” method of breathing to relieve anxiety. Worth a try!]

@zebraspolkadots A Journey…: Life Lessons and Zebra’s
[SEO: Always much food for thought here. What life lessons are you becoming aware of?]

@MentalHealthUSA You Can Start Feeling Better: 8 Important Things to Do About Depression (via @psychotherapi)
[SEO: Examines and refutes 8 basic fears about depression. Disclaimer: WebMD states it is funded by Lilly, a maker of antidepressants.]

@josuediaz Top 10 Ways Your Brain Is Sabotaging You (and How to Beat It) (via @quippdPsych)
[SEO: Fascinating in that it’s not the most obvious ways that I think of as self-sabotage. Each item includes links to other articles that elaborate on that particular topic. Lots to chew on here.]

@NAMIMass When chronic pain is ‘paralyzing’
[SEO: Focus is on women, and why women feel chronic pain differently than do men. But I think it’s of interest to men, too, if only to understand that difference.]

@LisaCollierCool 5 Natural Ways to Sleep Better
[SEO: Sleep is the holy grail I continue to search for. Do you, too?]

@psychcentral What should you do when you catch yourself people pleasing again? Know your limits: 6 Steps to Improve the Balance in your Life
[SEO: I’ve never equated people pleasing with a lack of balance in my life, so this caught my eye. Good article!]

@catatonickid Stress Busters: 22 Ways to be Kind to Yourself
[SEO: Excellent ideas and reminders, via Treating Anxiety Blog at]

Best Tweets for Trauma Survivors is a weekly Friday feature. My selections are entirely subjective, and I know it will never be possible to include every great resource tweeted. But I can try! I’ve personally read all tweeted links, and believe them to be of great value.

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for content found on any other website. Stay safe, and don’t follow links if you believe you might be triggered by them. Also, I will not be re-checking links from older Best Tweets posts, and if the site’s archived URL is different from the one I’ve provided here, you may need to do a search on their site.

Please add your candidates for Best Tweets For Trauma Survivors in the comments.

Standalone Tweets

@TormentedOne “One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can’t utter.” ~ James Earl Jones

@LillyAnn “Our soul appears .. when we make room for it..” ~ Thomas Moore

@rcinstitute “Soulful Sunday: the soul needs meaningful connections with others; isolation and alienation destroy the soul.”

@TormentedOne “Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.” ~ Anonymous (via @HALO_7)

@Tamavista “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” ~ Buddha

@chapin55 “Worry less about whether your thoughts are Positive or Negative. Shoot more for Accurate, Moderate, and Balanced.”

@MindfullyChange “The senses are like a reversible coat. They can go outside to the world, or inside to the soul.” ~ Buddhist proverb

@rcinstitute “Truthful Tuesday: honesty is completely compatible with healthy boundaries.”

@SarahEOlson2009 “It’s one thing to take back your power; it’s being your own person to know when and if to use it. Brava!”

@Tamavista “Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” ~ D. Waitley

@karenkmmonroy “Having a great imagination isn’t enriching the world if you find reasons to not write, paint, or express your gift.”

@Maura_Aura “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung

Linked Tweets

@whenmedicine Mental Health America says health reform bill will “greatly expand access to mental health care”

@NIMHgov See all our publications on mental disorders and research.
[SEO: Excellent database of free printable resources.]

@yogini4 Playing Tetris May Reduce PTSD Flashbacks: Video Game May Protect Against Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (via @suite101)

@drcmblake What Good Psychodynamic Therapy Is About
[SEO: Gets to the heart of what a good therapy experience feels like, and what it should be able to do.]

@PsychTimes Commentary: Boundaries and Benefits of Psychotherapy

@psychcentral News TeleTherapy for PTSD Found Effective

@BeyondMeds Meditation may protect your brain
[SEO: I like how hard science keeps proving stuff previously scoffed at by the “pros”.]

@kris_burns 9 Tips For Better Sleep (via

@PTSDdotOrg Body-Mind Therapist, Mindy Fox, Utilizes Neurofeedback to Naturally Retrain the Brain

@DarleneOuimet When Bad Thoughts Wreck Good Feelings ~ Emerging From Broken (via @ssanquist)

@Mindful_Living Finding Hope in the Midst of Depression

@thereseborchard 12 Strategies to Help You Recover From a Relapse

@LisaKiftTherapy How to Make Mindfulness a Habit With Only a Tiny Commitment
[SEO: is now on my list to explore in greater detail. Thanks Lisa!]

@DrKathleenYoung Mindfulness of Ourselves, Mindfulness of Others